Monday, September 3, 2012

My Experience With a Scam Artist and a Con Artist--->> Shatto Maurice Lamont Brown <<-- 

*** 06-10-14 - New Evidence from more victims of Shatto Maurice Brown (real name - Maurice Lamont Brown) - Our investigators found Maurice Lamont Brown!! He has been hiding out in a Sober Living Home for the past several months.. Here is the address - 15758 Lemarsh St., North Hills, Ca 91343... He scammed his way into the this Sober Living Home, and has not been paying rent.. Yet another scam..  Over the past several weeks, he has been threatening the other residents of the Sober Living Home and manipulating people to get free rent, free food, and more... 

***New Evidence from the victims of Shatto Maurice Brown (real name - Maurice Lamont Brown) comes in frequently. In order for everyone to gain a full understanding and see the depth of the lies, scams, fraud, etc. of Shatto Maurice Brown (real name - Maurice Lamont Brown) we have placed the evidence in Chronological order, and continue to add to this as new evidence comes in and is verified.  

*** 04-03-2014 - Civil Court Case - Case Number 14v00994
BROWN, MAURICE VS. POWERS, RAYMON - Another Victory against Shatto Maurice Brown (real name - Maurice Lamont Brown) - Judge awarded RAYMON POWERS the victory and dismissed the case, the lies, the fraud and fake evidence that
Shatto Maurice Brown (real name - Maurice Lamont Brown) brought to court.

*** 04-23-2014 - Ever since the most recent victories in court and the bringing down the website for the victims of  Shatto Maurice Brown (real name Maurice Lamont Brown) and Shatterproof Marketing, Shatto Maurice Brown has not been able to keep models on staff and continues to steal from his models.. You will notice the Shatto Maurice Brown RECYCLES the pictures of models who have already left him, and STEALS pictures from models that do not work for him.. He steals pictures from their Instagram accounts, Facebook accounts, and personal webpages.. Protect yourself and protect your image.. Don't be fooled... There is nothing "about to go down", if you research, you will notice that the 'work' he says he does is actually the work of someone else that he is taking credit for..***

***New Evidence Found - 02-01-2014 - Shatto Maurice Brown -legal name Maurice Lamont Brown owes $132,624.03 in unpaid Child Support (Case# 0370022366557 and Case #0370023266558) - please check Evidence Section ***

*** Victory for Victims of  Shatto Maurice Brown and Shatterproof Marketing - 08-20-2013 - Shatto Maurice Brown's website - - is taken down by the Copyright Infringement and Legal Department of his web hosting company and - for violating the rights of his former Models. Shatto Maurice Brown refused to comply to the models' wishes to have their images removed after leaving Shatterproof Marking - so the hosting company took his website down. The models worked together to gain this victory. ***

***New Evidence - 10-22-2013 - Shatto Maurice Brown -legal name Maurice Lamont Brown receives 2nd and 3rd suspension notice from DMV - 2nd and 3rd notice are Driver's License Suspension for unpaid Child Support (Case# 0370022366557 and Case #0370023266558)***

***New Evidence - 09-13-13 - Shatto Maurice Brown - legal name - Maurice Lamont Brown wanted by LA Superior Court again for unpaid Civil Assessment - New Fines placed and DMV action taken - Maurice Lamont Brown's Driver's license is suspended again ***

***New Evidence - 04-20-2013 - Shatto Maurice Brown Steals $7600 ticket sales from event***

       ***New evidence found as of 03-03-2013 in Shatto Maurice Brown's Court Cases***

*** 11-19-2012 - Civil Court Case - Case Number CIVVS1204432 -
BROWN, MAURICE VS. POWERS, RAYMON - Another Victory against Shatto Maurice Brown (real name - Maurice Lamont Brown) - Judge awarded RAYMON POWERS the victory and dismissed the case, the lies and fake evidence that
Shatto Maurice Brown (real name - Maurice Lamont Brown) brought to court.

***New Evidence found of Criminal Case # SBAYA058790-01 (and Civil Cases) against 
"Shatto" Maurice Lamont Brown and Shatter Proof Marketing*** 
(Evidence listed above is located to the right under 'Pages' on the under the Evidence Section)

The FULL Story and sequence of events - I found out the hard way that my background checks were NOT thorough enough.. I needed to search deeper.. Investigators found these documents within the public records... Shatto Maurice Brown (<--not legal name) Maurice Lamont Brown (<--actual legal name) continues to recruit models and talent even after he has been charged with 2 counts and crimes. Shatto Maurice Lamont Brown was charged with  Penal Code 459 and Penal Code 470(D) and received a Guilty Verdict and Convicted of - Penal Code 459.In the documents under the evidence section to the right,  you will see that Shatto Maurice Lamont Brown has been charged with: Penal Code 459 (Penal Code 459 is defined as "breaking - entering" and "theft"The California crime of burglary is entering someone's property with the intent of committing a felony or theft once inside.  Forcible entry or entry through fraud into another's property with the intent to commit a felony or petty therein would be considered burglary. See the legal definition here--> ) and Shatto Maurice Lamont Brown was charged with Penal Code 470(D) - (Penal Code 470(d)   California Penal Code 470 prohibits Fraud and Forgery (see the evidence page for proof of the criminal case). It  now makes sense after dealing with Shatto Maurice Lamont Brown that he was convicted with the crime of Theft since he has continually stolen from his models, casting companies, production companies, friends and everyone that has helped tried him.. 
     As you read through this post, you will notice that I repeat the name, Shatto Maurice Brown, a lot - I do this so that when people do a Google search on his name, this comes up at the top of the list, and people can read this before dealing with Shatto Maurice Brown.. 
 Even if you do not take the time to read the entire story in the blog, you will notice on his Facebook that Shatto Maurice Brown will do his best to spew his anger and in his own way try to discredit anyone who brings up his theft, his fraud, his lies, or anything about him that he is trying to cover up, and then threaten them and their families in order to preserve his online persona/image… Contrary to Shatto Maurice Brown's beliefs - we don’t want to be like him, we are not jealous of him, and no we are not speaking out about our experiences because we have some sort of hate for ourselves.. His comments about this do not even make sense.. Shatto Maurice Brown is Egotistical, Completely Delusional and Definitely Pathological -
Pathological Forms of Shatto Maurice Brown's Egotistic Behavior -  Some people are driven by the ego’s insatiable need to feel important- to the point that they make up lies about themselves- in order to seem more special to others. Shatto Maurice Brown is one of those people. Shatto Maurice Brown  is driven to make up lies and stories about himself to make himself feel important. Shatto Maurice Brown  has many fears and severely mistrusts others, and yet at the same time Shatto Maurice Brown  will continually needs them. Shatto Maurice Brown's Paranoia is a part of his delusional nature, his pathological nature and the effects of lying to so many people - he can never keep track of what lie that he told which person -  Shatto Maurice Brown Paranoia manifests itself more strongly because he attempts to make himself feel more important or special by being the object of special persecution. Shatto Maurice Brown  believes that everyone is 'out to get him', 'wants to be him', or wants to take what goods/services/ relationships/connections he thinks he has. Shatto Maurice Brown  has it in his very nature to be a victim, be angry, and feel that he has been wronged by so many people, because this makes himself feel special. Shatto Maurice Brown  is a seriously delusional person, and all you will need to do to understand the depth of the pathological lies and delusional nature is to watch, wait, and listen.. If you watch and are aware of what is going on when you are around him, and listen objectively (without any emotion - he can manipulate emotions to make you feel sorry for him), then you will see and understand the depth of the pathological lies and his delusional nature... Situations, Scenarios, and his stories always seem be the complete opposite of what he says the they are.. The truth is always very different than what Shatto Maurice Brown says. At least that has been my experience with the person calling himself Shatto Maurice Brown - his real legal name is actually - Maurice Lamont Brown... the lies begin with the name change to hide his criminal background...
Shatto Maurice Brown does NOT help people like he states he does.. Shatto Maurice Brown ends up helping himself, taking and stealing from those trying to help him and then tells everyone the complete opposite.. It has always been the same in all of the stories that he tells - Shatto Maurice Brown will speak as if he is the victim, but the reality is Shatto Maurice Brown victimizes the people who try to help him. Which is why we speak out, we do NOT want to see others hurt or taken advantage of like we were.. If you spend any amount of time with him you will notice that his stories never add up. At some point, Shatto will tell you that his mother has died, his father died, and if he does not meet his obligations or responsibilities he will say that his aunt, uncle, grandmother, or grandfather have died..  and every other week, he will have some emotional movement and blame the death of his mother, grandmother, sister, daughter, niece, or pick a relative, as an excuse for something. Shatto Maurice Lamont Brown, who's mother gave him the name - Maurice Lamont Brown (also according to his driver's license, court documents, and public records his name is Maurice Lamont Brown), has nothing but time. Shatto Maurice Brown never works and spends all of his time creating this mirage of a fake life online..there seems to be nothing he will not lie about.. He is not traveling to all of these places he checks in to. I have witnessed him 'checking-in' like he is out partying, when he is just sitting in front of the computer or in front of the TV..  He does not have a car, and the DMV will NOT issue him a driver’s license. I personally witnessed the DMV rep tell Shatto Maurice Brown that he will NOT be issued a driver's license until he resolves the years of back child support he owes of over $120k (Please see the Evidence Section). He is always “loosing” his wallet or it gets “stolen” from him when it is time for him to pay for something.. Shatto Maurice Brown has court cases pending and is still going to be held accountable for his fraud, theft, and other crimes… My investigators and I have found evidence of Shatto Maurice Brown stealing over $50k+ so far (Scams include fake events that never materialize – for example he scammed several companies and people telling them that he had an event at Playboy mansion, the event was advertized as the 'Official After Party for Jay Z and Kanye West', and then changed to 'A Christmas Party at the Playboy Mansion - Hosted by Bow Wow'. According to legal counsel at SCarter Enterprises, Shatto Maurice Brown and Shatter Proof Marketing never had authorization to utilize these names and Jay Z and Kanye West were never planning or booked to attend.. So then when the event didn't happen, he kept the money - over $19k (Please see the Evidence Section) and the money always disappears into Shatto Maurice Brown's Paypal or bank account... marketing, promo, or website projects that do not complete to the client’s satisfaction and money is never returned.. models or talent have worked on projects and the production staff pays Shatto Maurice Brown,  but Shatto Maurice Brown does NOT pay the model or talent.. In some cases, the models have been paid for a period of time and then the payments stop when Shatto Maurice Brown experiences money problems again or his Child Support cleans out his bank accounts. In addition to this, several Casting Directors have now come forward and have agreed to work with our team to help stop Shatto Maurice Brown from ripping more people off, scamming more people, stealing from more people and then slandering them with malicious lies that he creates and posts online.. and we know there is much, much, more, but we are still in the process of gathering the evidence and submitting the evidence to the attorneys involved…  his black cloud and drama follows anyone working with or trying to help him.. my full story and experiences are in the blog, which I wrote after a sleepless night after dealing with his drama... To be honest, it is on my heart and I wanted to share my story to warn everyone I can, so that they do NOT experience the issues, drama, and bad karma that follows Shatto Maurice Brown. The choice is your to believe what you like, but if you ask anyone that has been involved with him and they will have a similar story..

Please share these links with your model friends, agencies, production staff, and companies to make sure that Shatto Maurice Brown cannot continue to take advantage of people…
If you would like to help us and/or join us in our efforts to stop this continued theft and deceit - Please contact me at or 323.371.7313

(I had originally decided that I was NOT going to write this, but I cannot in good conscience let the lies, deceit, and manipulation of people, companies, situations continue without saying something. I stayed up all night trying to get through this, please forgive me if I repeat myself)

            Well, I probably should start all of this with the fact that appreciate the fact that you, and others that I will share this with later can think for yourselves and are such good hearted people. It is also on my heart to apologize to many of you that I was ever involved with someone like Shatto Maurice Lamont Brown. His ways of conducting himself, conducting his business, and the manner in which he treats people is void of respect, ethics, integrity, honesty, etc. and common core values that most people share. In the short period of time that I have come back in touch with Shatto Maurice Brown, he has managed to damage almost every relationship and connection I have in some way. I have had many aggravated discussions with him about the way he conducts himself and his business while he stayed with me from the 1st week of May thru the 3rd week of August. My goal was to try to help what I thought was a friend in need, but it turned out to be a drama roller coaster. What I understand now, is that there is a series of people in his path that he finds ways to con, steal, or swindle money, ideas, connections, etc. from. Please understand that this email is not intended to bash or as Shatto Maurice Brown would put it "Hate" on Shatto Maurice Brown.. Everyone is free to make their own decisions about who they want to work with, be friends with, or continue business relationships with. That is none of my business, but I cannot in good conscience NOT say anything to the people that I have met or that thought that I worked with Shatto Maurice Brown and was helping him build a better life for him, especially now that I know that there are many lies and things being spread about me by him. Unprofessional does not even begin to express what I have seen and experienced firsthand in dealing with Shatto Maurice Brown.
            I had been trying to help  Shatto Maurice Lamont Brown  remove the "negative elements out of his life" (as he puts it) and get on the right track.. by helping him start making money, so that he can get his own place, his own car, and get his daughter back. These were the exact goals that I communicated with him, and he agreed that this would help him out a great deal.. I had first 'remembered' meeting  Shatto Maurice Lamont Brown  at church close to 10 years ago and our discussion was short. I remember thinking that he didn't seem like he had much going on or going for him, but he would talk about the entertainment industry and how successful different ventures he had worked on were.  We had also talked about how we were both running in the same circles in the early 90s, I was on Soul Train (go ahead check some of the old YouTube videos and get a good laugh), and hanging with some of the hot artists at the time, and he claims that he was as well. He seemed to know details that no one else would if they didn't know those artists personally, so I bought it. Since that time, I had later learned that he was asked to leave that church because he had been manipulating and taking advantage of different people, which I guess means that not much has changed over the past 10 years or so. The people in that church are giving people for the most part and he took complete advantage of that. He had stayed in different Christian households over the years, and took advantage of people's hearts, time, money, food and anything anyone was willing to give. I have contacted some people that I have known for years that have been able to validate this and I have worked to get sworn statements from many that have been hurt for the for the authorities, so that Shatto Maurice Brown can be dealt with properly.
            Now we fast forward to this year 2012. I had been writing on my Facebook and talking with friends about wanting to venture out from my current business (Powers Technology -, and work on events, or help people that are trying to make it in the industry, or help out local charities that I work with, and share the databases of contacts of VIPs and Celebrities with those who can use these contacts to either further their careers or make the right connection with a person of influence, etc... I have been working on this for quite a while, changing my business structure and business model over the past couple years and partnering up with my friend and colleague's business as much as I can, so that we can help each other out (Network-911 - Leo Mascarinia - ). I guess word must have gone out about what I was trying to do, or  Shatto Maurice Lamont Brown  had seen a posting or something. I first received a friend request on Facebook from Shatto and some phone calls were exchanged, and we seemed to get reacquainted pretty quickly. I had invited him to a Laker game toward the beginning of the year and he said he could not come out because he was with his sister and her friend and they had plans set already. I have been putting a timeline together, and now I realize that this was the time that he was staying with Charisa De La Cruz. Shatto Maurice Brown's routine when trying to connect with someone, move in, and secure his roots with his next victim is this: Shatto Maurice Brown will spend a lot of time communicating and building a relationship with the next victim, and then when he feels like that person is prepped and ready, he will talk about how negative his current living arrangement and environment is and how they have either threatened him, stole from him, or they are making his life miserable. Then the victim  begins to sympathize, put themselves in his shoes and start to believe what he is saying. (this happened to me, Charisa, Mindy, Avalise and many others - same scenario).. The victim believes the stories about his family (some have died, some are sick, some are crazy, some are dying - mother/father, and some broken relationships - all brothers and sisters - all lies) all the stories are conveniently tailored to tug your heart strings and want to help him out..
            So, now we fast forward (give or take a few weeks), and I have had numerous conversations with Shatto Maurice Brown and he has been building relationships, talking about how he needs 'soldiers' in his life and how he needs friends close enough to be like his family. Shatto Maurice Brown states  that he needs people that he understands and that understand him. Shatto Maurice Brown then will frequently go into different rants, which he does very often, about the negativity that surrounds him. (Oddly enough, the things Shatto Maurice Brown will complain about are usually things that he is doing to other people, and NOT the other way around.. the other people around him are trying to help him, while he is complaining about them). I fell for the lies, and the CON Game - hook, line and sinker… I now feel very foolish for helping him, bringing him into my home (after a background check), and trying to help him with his business. Shatto Maurice Brown had told me that he was in Oxnard, living with Charisa and her family, in, Oxnard, CA 93036 or Oxnard, CA 93003 (Real Addresses Removed to protect the innocent). I now know that Charisa and the family had kicked him out, and I guess my assistance came right on time. I spent a lot of the day trying to figure out how he can get from Oxnard to anywhere closer to Los Angeles or Rancho Cucamonga, where I live. I tried rental cars, which in hindsight I am grateful never worked out, because he doesn't have a valid driver's license. I tried several different things, until I found a car service that would pick him up. Our agreement was that I would help him get back on his feet and that he would pay me when money from jobs would come in. I know now that I need to be very grateful that I kept pushing him to pay me back, otherwise I would never have received anything. That began the loan process of $120 that day. I picked him up in Hollywood and took him to my friend Roy's house where my wife Joy and I were headed to enjoy a nice get together with friends.. My friends treated him like family, as my friends tend to do, and served him a huge steak meal, wine, and the whole nine yards. I know now, that Shatto Maurice Brown began making his rounds with my friends and telling them his sob stories and laying the foundation for his next con game and next victims. Anyway, after the meal, some laughs, some drinks, and a good time. I brought him to my home in Rancho Cucamonga, and I had prepped one of the rooms in my house for our guest. And in doing so, began several months of nothing but drama from a little man with a huge ego (and not having any visual reason for such display of confidence, arrogance, or ego). The next day I had bought an air mattress, sheets, gave him extra pillows, extra clothes/shoes I had, and tried to do anything I could to get Shatto Maurice Brown to shake off the "negative elements" out of his life.. Shatto Maurice Brown would eat each meal with us, given the best of the best, and was never asked to pay for rent, utilities, food, gas or anything. My goal was to try to help Shatto Maurice Brown remove this negative, angry, and aggressive tone he seemed to always have and focus on how to build his business up, and make enough money so that he could get a place to stay and get his life together.
            This adventure of drama began 05/04/12, and I believe Mindy, Charisa, Avalise and others can confirm this. The con game Shatto Maurice Brown plays has key elements that are essential.. Shatto Maurice Brown cannot afford to have those who have been taken advantage of to speak with those who are the next victims, so he tells stories about how evil those people are, and tries to make sure that you will never speak with them. The people that he tells these lies about are his mother, father, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, and grandparents, and most importantly the people he is staying with currently.. The stories are either that they are evil because they are treating him a certain way, or that they are evil for not speaking with him and shutting him out ("all I ever really wanted was a family" - would be something that he would say a lot), or that this or that family member is sick, on their death bed, dying or dead. The cycle of stories to generate sympathy is usually about every 3 to 4 weeks or so. So on the night of 5/4/12 and thru the day of 5/5/12 the next phases of the process began, Shatto Maurice Brown talked about how he felt like we are family and started to introduce everyone to me by saying, "this is my brother, Raymon," and then some compliments to try to butter me up.. It always seemed like he was trying to have this superficial charm. At some point, Shatto Maurice Brown had wanted to speak with Joy and I about working together. I had figured that I was trying to help him out anyway, so why not work together at something that would help him generate some quick cash that would help him get back on his feet. We talked about doing events, and for me this was somewhat perfect. I have done events before, and I have been working with entertainment in different ways through the years and this would be one more way. I was already planning to build another corporation as an umbrella company for all my other ventures and this could fit right in.. It was like it was planned already, and it was, by Shatto Maurice Brown... Shatto Maurice Brown then began to explain how he believed it would work and I began to explain how each of our talents could help build a money making machine. What I didn't realize at the time was that he had taken different ideas, plans, connections, etc. from other people and made them his own. And you can ask anyone around and check his Facebook, he loves to tell everyone how he is carrying everyone, how he is doing all the work, and how everything being done is from his ideas, his plans, his connections, his contracts, blah, blah, blah… Anyway, this led me to wanting to help him remove the negativity and black clouds that were surrounding Shatto Maurice Brown and Shatterproof Marketing. I told him that he needed to get everyone together for a company meeting, and he need to explain what his core values are for the business, the direction headed for the business, give vision, provide security, and answer any and all questions to remove doubt about him and the company.. Shatto Maurice Brown did not like this idea at first, but then later agreed..
            What I didn't realize is that he needs the negative elements for his Schemes to work… Shatto Maurice Brown needs the "Haters" (as he puts it), in order for people to feel sorry for him for being misunderstood and want to help him, since it seems the world is against him.. The world IS against him, because there are a lot of people that Shatto Maurice Brown has swindled out of their money or straight stolen from them. Which leads me to his next scheme, Shatto Maurice Brown asked me to help him make his payroll, because he cannot afford to miss payroll with all of this "negative stuff" about him going all around.. THE TRUTH IS: if he would spend as much energy working as he does being negative, angry, and on the internet or Facebook, Shatto Maurice Brown would be as rich as he wants everyone to believe he is.. 
All of this this led to the loan growing:
$120 - loan to move out get driver from Oxnard to Hollywood
$175 - loan to pay Jaclyn Hamme
$300 - loan to pay Jaclyn Hamme
$240 - loan to pay Carol Selene
$620 - loan to pay Paloma($200), Valerie($200), Samantha Kennedy ($214.21)

This is NOT including all of the food that I purchased on a daily basis for every meal, Shatto Maurice Brown never paid any rent (even though I never asked for rent from him - apparently he has been telling people that he paid rent for this location and every other place he has ever stayed at pulling this scheme), he never paid gas for driving him all over town almost every day, and the doubling of my electric, water, air, internet, bills..
      Then mother's day weekend. My mom, my mother-in-law, my cousin (Deneen Vaughn - who does events for BMW mini), and my wife were all celebrating together how awesome they are as moms, together with Joy's sister Mia, and myself.. and then Shatto Maurice Brown seemed to have set off red flags with everyone in the room… My mom pulled me aside later that night and told me to get him out of the house ASAP. My cousin Deneen, was trying to be upbeat and positive, but she said that something was up. Shatto Maurice Brown was able to piss of Mia within 5 minutes of meeting her, and that is pretty hard to do. Everyone played nice for me, but I could tell something was seriously wrong. For some reason, I just decided to keep trying to help, but I started to pull back a little, but not far enough. The next several weeks were filled with me driving him everywhere, and trying to fix his business issues with Shatterproof Marketing, and trying to build up the events. The events required securing locations, sponsorships, models, a charity, etc. The next several weeks were brutal on me.. I would spend 6 to 8 hours of my day helping Shatto Maurice Brown with his business or the events. I would spend half of the day trying to get him to communicate about what is going on with the things that he is working on, and the other half listening to his rants, negative talk, then sob stories, back to rants, and these horrible phone conversations with his models... He was always so disrespectful with the talent.. Talking down to them, yelling at them, or in some cases trying to take them out and calling them at weird hours..  I sat him down and told him that if he was going to be around me and work with me then this all has to stop and it all has to change. I DO NOT like him speaking to women this way, and I cannot deal with this Victim, Negative, and Aggressive mentality/personality, and the BS postings about how he is at the Roosevelt, Drai's, the Playboy Mansion, Newport Beach, Malibu, etc. while he is laying on an airbed that I purchased. My friends would call me and say, "um, Shatto Maurice Brown just checked in here via Foursquare or Facebook, but I don't see him anywhere…" And the frequent postings about how he is trying to "hold his head up and be strong and fight against those who are holding him back or whatever" or about "how he is ballin, or how he is blessed and talented", all the while eating my food, in my house. This cycle of conversations was almost every 3-4 days or so, and grew more and more heated as I became completely disgusted with him, his lies (I would catch him in lies all the time), and his business practices..
            During the process of trying to help him get things with Shatterproof Marketing on track, and working on the event company stuff.. I was introduced to a lot of the models, photographers, casting professionals, and most of the people that Shatto Maurice Brown worked with over the past couple of months.. Each month I would pull back from helping more and more, because Shatto Maurice Brown's schemes and scam  was all beginning to come together for me, and was beginning to make sense… It wasn't until the month of August that I realized that each model that he would cut or would leave, he would just decide he didn't want to pay them any more - and each photographer that he had an issue with,  he would make agreements with to pay them for the photo shoots and then come up with some reason as to why he doesn't feel like he needs to pay them - for different casting companies or directors, he would come up with these weird stories about how he couldn't believe they even work in the industry because they just "don't get it", and the worst of the stories were always about Fred and Que, which really threw me for a loop because Fred and Que always seemed to go out of their way for Shatto Brown, and help him out... All of these things, in addition to the way that he talks to people as if they should be grateful to be in his presence or that they should be serving him, or the way he speaks with to models, "why didn't you call me today, you know you need to call me" one minute, and the next he is yelling at another model.. or tell me that he is some kind of 'pimp' or 'boss', and how he only hires models that he would date (not that any of them would ever date him - that thought never crosses his mind), and the hypocritical way that he will tells some models what is appropriate and what is not, and then try to hit on, get with, take out (but make them pay - because he either lost his wallet, his cards are lost or stolen, or the most recent of these lies is that I took them from him), or sleep with. Unprofessional does not even begin to express what I have seen and experienced firsthand.
            I think Shatto Maurice Brown  is always in a difficult spot, all of which is by his own doing and since he has no intention of ever taking responsibility for anything in his life, he expects the good hearted people around him to feel sorry for him, take him in and give him a place to stay (rent free), feed him, clothe him, drive him all over town, pick up his bills (if he can manipulate you to do so), use your internet, your air conditioning, your bathroom and shower, and anything he can while he is under your care. I also know and realize that times get tough for people and their businesses. I have a couple businesses that I run (sometimes the businesses do great and sometimes I have to hustle harder to make things work out right), and several businesses I was already trying to get off of the ground, which after a few FB posts is what I believe led Shatto Maurice Lamont Brown back into my life. I had many discussions with him about how he can never seem to complete even the most basic of tasks, like sending an email or placing a phone call. The discussions almost always became heated and I would end up extremely upset and losing all patience for him. It would be like I am speaking to a child who just takes the conversations and talks around issues without ever coming to a resolution, with his ultimate goal being to wear you down. The last straw for me and when I lost all patience, was when I had pointed out to him over and over again that I did not want or need his contacts, his ideas, his connections, his plans, or money that he thinks he has. I don't want to control him or anything like that.. He always had this weird idea that everyone is out to get what he has - but Shatto Maurice Brown  has nothing, so what in the world is their to take? For Example: On the website he shows Elizabeth Velasquez, Carole Seleme, Sydney Maler, Paloma Lozano, Felicia Monroe, Jaclyn Hamme, Alexita Ortiz, Alyssa Manzano, Rosa Martinez, Yvette Chavez, and Bernadette DiMeglio and others as his 'Shatterproof Models'.. and NONE of these models are working with Shatto Maurice Brown or Shatterproof Marketing... website and the Shatterproofmarketing Facebook site also shows that Shatto Maurice Brown works with Japrag Jeans, Status Vodka, TyKu, NuVo, Nokaut Tequila, and others - but the reality is I have spoken with most of these companies and they are extremely upset with Shatto Maurice Brown for either being ripped off by him, for unfulfilled promises, or for Shatto Maurice Brown's breach of contract... Feel free to contact any of the models that Shatto Maurice Brown  says that he works with, the models list on his website, or any of his previous victims, and you will hear their horror stories... We have all tried to help him.
 I had done everything I could to help him, because I was led to believe that he needed my help. I also told him point blank, "we have done all this to help you, and all you do is surf the internet, post of Facebook, lounge and eat our food all day.. even if I were to go out and get you your own apartment, you wouldn't be able to afford it because you don't even have enough money coming in.. You are always broke, you cannot afford a meal, or to pay for your own transportation, so how in the world are you going to change things? it doesn't even seem like you want to change things.. you are content with everyone just serving you and meeting your needs.. what are you going to do with your life to make a change..?!?" and his response verbatim (my wife also heard the entire conversation) - he said, "the first thing I would do is to REMOVE you from the equation!!! You are the one who has been hurting my business.. I never should have tried to do any business with you.. it's because of you that I am broke, I don’t have any money and I have not been able to place my models they way that I need to.." Even now, that makes my blood boil.. I will never understand his delusional mind..
            What I don't understand is why he thinks that I am the problem, and that he needs to "remove me from the equation" (exact words) in order to make money or be successful. I have overlooked many things over the past 3+ months including insults, being talked down to, and being disrespected, and still was trying to help him get back on his feet, but when he disrespects me in my own home, my friends, family, and then continues to treat me as if I will "never get it" (exact words), among other things, it is just too much. What I do get is how life, business, and almost everything is based on relationships. And no matter what happens, you need to treat people with respect. I can't change how Joy feels or what she wrote, or how she feels. All I can do is be the best that I can be. I can be giving and loving to my friends and family. I think that he may believe that he has had some really rough experiences, but so far I have seen that he creates his own demise, and I have heard nothing but lies and we all go through tough experiences, and we all respond differently to things. I also run business differently (with respect for people and their time, ethics, integrity, and core values which have helped me to keep my businesses running and profitable for over 20 years), which is also why I have been able to support Shatto Maurice Brown since the 1st week of May, until the 3rd week of August. For my businesses, I do not have advertising, or games, or gimmicks just hard work, integrity, and relationships. It's unfortunate that nothing financially ever seems to work out for Shatto Maurice Brown, which I was also trying to help him with, but I stopped helping after he stated that I was part of the problem. I tried to help Shatto Maurice Brown, and he says that I am the problem? He is completely delusional.. If he really has his act together and is really ballin, pimpin, and a 'boss', like he says he is - then why does he have so many sob stories and is always having issues with life, his work/business, and his family.. I also would like to mention that he always says he is "in plain sight" but then blocks everyone that he talks about or has issues with.. it is really easy to talk a big game and then run in the opposite direction.. if he is really "in plain sight" then why is it that his baby momma has not been able to find him and get him to pay his back child support adding up to $121k+ (please see evidence section for documentation), or why has it been difficult for the former models to get Shatto Maurice Brown served court papers? You are not "in plain sight" if you are always couch surfing, and running from your problems and responsibilities... You don't have to believe me, spend a few months with Shatto Maurice Brown and find out all of the drama for yourself.
            Now that I think about it and see the evidence that I have been generating via Advanced Background Checks and Private Investigators, I notice that he has never had any money, and at this point never will, and according to the Private Investigators he has been running his different scams under a few different business names (Triple O Entertainment and Shatterproof Marketing are just the most recent) and he has changed his name several times.. Why would he need to keep changing names of things if he is always "in plain sight", like he likes to say? The Investigators also pointed out that on his credit reports he has been reported to Chex Systems many times (please see the evidence section), because he has continually bounced checks, defrauded several banks and has gone delinquent on his financial responsibilities (which is why his phones will cut off and go from one carrier to the other - so far they have told me he has gone from Verizon and left a $800 or so bill, jumped to Sprint and left a $1800+ bill, jumped to AT&T and left a $800+, bill and is now back on Verizon under his business name - the last transfer I witnessed personally).. The Investigators have explained that in order to keep his schemes and scams going, he has to change names, change business names, and obtain new SSN numbers and new Business Tax ID numbers after every change. Someone who continually does this cannot keep running these schemes and games forever..  And is definitely not living, "in plain sight"... Eventually someone in authority will hold him accountable.. This must be why he thinks everyone is out to get him and he is always in a bad mood or has negative comments about everything in the world - it is because he prefers a world that he can control.. This is why he likes to live on the internet. It is a world he can control (or thinks he can) and where he believes he is king or a "pimp" (his words), and a  "boss" (his words). Shatto Maurice Brown generates sponsorship deals with Alcohol and Beverage companies(the most recent one with Status Vodka) and then either pretends to plan an event or attempts to plan an event, and in the process (after receiving product and sponsorship dollars from the companies), he will say that something went wrong (family member death, business partner's fault, another coordinator working the event messed up or something to that effect).. after the events go south, the smart companies stop payment of checks to him, and the others end up losing the money to Shatto. If he gets paid, then he tries to pay what he will call his "Top Models" or "Elite Models" or whatever. He usually will only pay partial payments of their payroll and make up some excuse, and keep the rest, or he will cut off any model from his team that he chooses not to pay anymore, keep the money that they worked for, and then claim that they either have a bad attitude, they are "NOT FOLLOWING PROTOCOL" (his own made up protocol). He also states that he is unable to place them (which makes sense, because he stops submitting them - you can't get work if you are not submitted to the castings), or he will call his friend in casting and tell them NOT to place any model that he has a disagreement with at the time and claim that they "don't get it". If a Sponsorship company (like Status Vodka) is smart enough to cut off any funds to Shatto Maurice Brown, which probably overdraws his account, it definitely effects his ability to hold to his word on the payments, or the funds going directly into his pocket. I heard him say over and over during the 3+ months that he was here, that he was broke, he needed money, and he says he has no choice but to spend (insert model's name here) "Paloma's money". I use Paloma as an example because she, Yvette, and Carol are the most recent example of models whose money he was spending because he says that he was broke and starving. Which doesn't make sense because I was paying for everything.. I was paying for all of the food, rent, and bills..
            You will also notice that his "good friends in the industry", he says he has never seem to help him out of the mess he is in. Well, this is for a couple of reasons. It mainly is because he really doesn't have those friends. Anyway, he definitely doesn't have the celebrity connections, clientele, and friends he claims he does. He claims to be Chris Brown's cousin, but I have now gone back through my contact database so that I can figure out the truth, and we can figure it all out together.. . I don’t believe that it is fair to Chris Brown that Shatto Maurice Brown is hurting his reputation by saying that he is his cousin and continuing to lie, cheat, steal, and run all of these schemes on colleagues in the entertainment industry (just my opinion)…
Here is all of Chris Brown's representation (if you would like to find out the truth yourself):
Talent Agent
162 Fifth Ave
6th FL
NY, NY 10010
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->
Phone: 212-277-9000
Fax: 212-277-9099
Talent Agent
2000 Avenue of the Stars
LA, CA 90067
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->
Phone: +1 424 288 2000
Fax: +1 424 288 2900
Talent Agent-Voice
6420 Wilshire Blvd
Ste 1080
LA, CA 90048
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->
Phone: +1 323 655 8699
Fax: +1 323 852 1472
Talent Agent-Commercial
6420 Wilshire Blvd
Ste 1080
LA, CA 90048
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->
Phone: +1 323 655 8699
Fax: +1 323 852 1472
9903 Wilshire Blvd
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->
Pacific Design Center
8687 Melrose Ave, 7th Floor
LA, CA 90069
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->
Phone: +1 310 854 8100
Fax: +1 310 854 8101
Pacific Design Center
8687 Melrose Ave, 7th Floor
LA, CA 90069
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->
Phone: +1 310 854 8100
Fax: +1 310 854 8101
Legal Representative
152 W. 57th St.
NY, NY 10019
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->
Phone: +1 212 554 0409
Fax: +1 212 554 0444

To those of us who have bought into is stories (cons, lies, manipulations, schemes, scams - pick a word of your choice), and brought him into our homes, fed him, clothed him, shared everything with him and treated him like friend or family - If he treats us like crap and then discards them when he is done, (which usually means that those friends, models, clients, etc. have had enough and want their money back or whatever they have been promised), then there is absolutely NO way that he has the caliber of friends, clients, or connections in the industry that he says he does... It is the oldest CONS or SCAMS of the 6-degrees of separation, where he claims to be close to you, befriends you, says you are like his family and even introduces you as his family, then uses you. Then when you start to catch on, or he senses that he is found out, he decides it is time to move on or we kick him out of our lives and our homes. He will then post on Facebook and every other outlet on the internet he can, saying something like, "it's ok, I just gotta do this by myself, I am tired of carrying everyone anyway. It's my contacts, my ideas, and my knowledge/expertise that has been carrying this anyway." and that's ok. If he wants to believe that we are all the problem and not a positive direction for him, that's fine. That's where the differences are. We all know in our hearts, our wallets, the most recent bills, and the damage that has been caused, that everything that he has said turns out to be a lie.. Those of us who have been his victims, then spend the next several weeks, months, etc. trying to recover from the damage he has caused with our friends, acquaintances, colleagues, co-workers, family and friends. It is ok.. he can believe what he wants.. After the research I have done (and it is not over until I find as much evidence as my Private Investigator and I can), I have found the psych profile that fits him and it is that of a sociopath/psychopath (I have included this story on my blog at ), and I do not need that around my family, friends, or even my worst enemies for that matter. I do believe that we have an obligation to warn his next victims, which is what has been on my heart to do, which is why I have been gathering all of the evidence in the evidence section, and trying to warn as many people as I can…
     On August 25th, after all of the crap that I went through, I even tried to help him and deposit his checks into his account for him. I figured it could help him solidify a place to stay and never come back to my house. Shatto Maurice Brown had the nerve to get upset with me, because I didn't call him before I made a deposit for him. Really?!? As you now know and for the record, I spoke to him many times about talking to me and his models in a disrespectful way.. He is NOT a "boss" like he likes to think he is and certainly NOT the boss of me, and I am NOT going to put up with any man talking to women that way under my roof..  Anyway, apparently he wanted me to deposit the check, into another account, and now he believes that I have placed him in a bad situation that he believes that I need to help him out of. He believes that I should give him $250, because apparently his account was overdrawn. How am I supposed to know that?!? He gave me the account number, and the bank.. he has absolutely NO reason to get upset with me.. He had asked me to go to MY P.O. Box (because he doesn't have one and doesn't have an address), and pick up HIS mail, and deposit HIS business check into HIS Business account, which was overdrawn and left him with $40, after the deposit.. Since the check was only $300, this means it was overdrawn with a balance of (-$260).. He stated in texts, (which I will include in all of my documentation), that since I have placed HIM in such a difficult situation, then I need to help him make his payroll to Carol and Yvette. According Shatto Maurice Brown, he still owes his models money. Carol is owed $125, and Yvette is owed $125, according to his text messages. It is my understanding, from the Private Investigators findings from the Production Companies and Staff interviews, that Carol is actually owed a lot more and it is around $400. Shatto Maurice Brown currently owes Carol $150 from a video she did over 3 months ago and $250 for a video she did over a month ago. Shatto Maurice Brown began to call me a coward and a B*tch for the way that this has all gone down and the way I was acting. Truth be told - Shatto Maurice Brown is always projecting his own behavior on to anyone he can to make sure that he is never to blame.. After that and the MANY, MANY, MANY discussions I had with him to get him off of his @$$, off the computer, off of Facebook, and out to appointments to get work, get a job, and get some money, Shatto Maurice Brown then is completely disrespectful and treats me like this. Shatto Maurice Brown is completely delusional, unstable, and dangerous … up until now, I have been holding my friends and family back from talking to him and them sharing a piece of their mind and heart, because they had become so disgusted with him, his lies, his attitude, his arrogance, and pretty much everything about him.. So, after being called a B*tch and insulted in every way possible, I told my wife Joy that she can go ahead and speak her mind.. She ended up sending the following message:
            "Since I didn't get to say what I really wanted to say after hearing some conversations between you and my husband and reading your trifling email, I wanted to take this time to say what I've been wanting to say...

I just wanted you to know that I have had enough of your crap! You're a DELUSIONAL man who has NOTHING and pretending to have SOMETHING. You live in a make believe world and you are ungrateful for the help MY HUSBAND and I have provided YOU for over 3 months. YOU DID NOT PAY FOR RENT, UTILITIES, AND WE PAID FOR MOST OF YOUR FOOD and we asked NOTHING in return except for you to clean after yourself and you couldn't even do that and have the nerve to talk crazy to us and about us. You are completely  UNGRATEFUL! You don't have a job and you couldn't clean the bathroom or wash the dishes??? Seriously??? What did you do all day while my husband and I worked? ALL you do is sit around and liking big booty half naked girls on Facebook all day and pretend that you're living the life of a baller, when all you are is a SCRUB! You have disrespected our home, our family and friends!!!! So it's my turn to speak and tell the TRUTH!

OH, let it be known that you don't wash your ass and you are filthy! A shower at least once a day would have been a pleasant change. You are disgusting and you wonder why you don't have a girlfriend or have anyone else in your life???? Maybe if you actually cared about grooming yourself, then MAYBE… just MAYBE someone will give you the time of day. You say you have swag???? Seriously??? My 2 year old daughter has more swag than you!

You have taken my husband's kindness for granted and you're lucky you're not here anymore because you would have ME to deal with. He is NOT your personal assistant so STOP asking him for stuff and to do stuff for you!!!! You want to claim you are a grown ass man but you can't even handle your business!!!

Furthermore, just to set the record straight.... WE didn't need anything from you... not your contacts... not your ideas... NOTHING!!!! We have a beautiful and loving family that you could only dream of having, so STOP thinking that you contributed anything to MY house or in our lives. The only thing you have brought is drama! You didn't only screw us over but you also screwed our friends over. When are you going to pay them for using their house for that video???? You claim you know famous people and have hook ups but you couldn't solidify one event AND I don't see any of your famous friends helping you out in anyway...

You blame EVERYONE for your problems, and yet I know people, including myself, who have gone through more trials and tribulations than you have and were able to succeed. You are the only person causing your own problems and causing the drama in your life. Stop claiming what is not fully yours and you know what I'm talking about. You need to stop lying to people and yourself.

I have so much to say but you are not worth my time. Now you can go post how much you love yourself on Facebook so you can make yourself feel better about the REALITY which is the EXACT opposite of what you are trying to make people think. YOU'RE AN UNGRATEFUL, DISRESPECTFUL TROLL, A LEECH AND A BOTTOM FEEDER! You need help... mental help! That is all... Thank you!

P.S. Jodeci and Boys II Men called and said they want their shorts and boots back. Stop wearing that crap in the summer... you look like a damn idiot!!!!

P.S.S. You don't have haters and they are not making you famous… People really just don't like you. It's the truth and you need to just accept it!"

            Needless to say, Joy was really upset.. I have actually edited the original version to tone it down.. Along with the rest of my friends and family that have met him. They all have their own ways that they are planning to express their feelings to him, so that ought to be interesting... After Joy posted her note in a private group message on Facebook, Shatto Maurice Brown finally "got it", and understood that he was never coming back to this house.. Even though I had many discussions with him about moving out, he never listens and does whatever he feels he wants to do.
            Unfortunately for all of us, those who ended up giving more or, if you were like me, me who supported him, lifted him up and basically legitimized his position, it solidified a foundation of trust, legitimacy, and integrity for him... And that makes us who stood by him look foolish, but we were doing what we felt was right at the time, which is now in hindsight was the worst decision.. Now that I realize that this is a con game and a scam that Shatto Maurice Brown has been playing with people for years and it kills me that there was way too much disrespect for people.. I still have big issues with the way he treats and talks to people... And that is why Joy was so upset.. She saw him basically treating me like crap for over 3+ months, and would try to talk his way out of it every night.. And I would just be patient because I did not want to treat him the same way he treated me, turn my back on him, or give him an excuse to bad mouth us like he had so many other people.. But the reality is, no matter what I did to help him, Shatto Maurice Brown never thought any of it was good enough. Some of the things that were over the top, was the way that Shatto Maurice Brown would disrespect women and my friends... it just all become too much.. All of my friends and family that Shatto Maurice Brown did meet were telling me to get away from him, that he is taking advantage of me, and that I soon will become one of his victims.. and that the same lies and stories that I was hearing all of the time, would be told about me soon, if Shatto Maurice Brown hasn't been telling others stories about me already.. and they were right... the next thing I know, I have other people telling me that they are hearing stories about me.. and all I can do is shake my head.. We are unfortunate victims and had gone above and beyond to help Shatto Maurice Brown, and the cycle continues... we have done what we can, and can part ways knowing that we have done what we can and have a clean conscience.. 

       The reality of it all is that there will always be a negative story about someone who was helping before to help solidify the story Shatto Maurice Brown is telling now.. so I completely understand and know that Shatto Maurice Brown is telling everyone that he is so disappointed in me and Joy, and that everything Joy is saying is a lie, and that he paid for everything (like rent, utilities, his own food, his medication, his payroll, blah, blah, blah - all of these things I would keep proof of and receipts for.. I always do.. I would like to know how much was this 'rent' that Shatto Maurice Brown says he paid us anyway? I am curious.. Not to mention the fact that the different restaurants where we go to eat, Shatto would tell others that he paid for each meal. The reality is that Shatto Maurice Brown has never had money to would pay for any of the meals, rent or anything else.. and, if Shatto Maurice Brown did pay for any of the things that he says - he would know how much it was, and know how it was paid. If Shatto Maurice Brown did pay for things, why would I have the receipts for them all.. of course, it makes sense that Shatto Maurice Brown would say those things and more.. and now he will post all kinds of negative things on his wall to make people think that me and everyone else are the real problems, and we are all jealous, are all haters, or whatever.. and then mix up these Facebook posts with other posts about how he loves himself, the different people and models that Shatto Maurice Brown feels have his back.. it is all part of the con game  and scam he plays... it helps solidify current relationships with the people around him and his next victims. If they are on the same page with Shatto Maurice Brown, and not doing the thinking for themselves, then it is easy to fall for his schemes, con games, scams, and lies.. People are able to and should make their own decisions as to what they feel is right.. It's not like I am asking anyone to take my side.. or take his business or whatever.. Which reminds me of another thing that was always weird to me.. Shatto Maurice Brown was always so concerned that I would take his business or his models from him.. And I would have to tell Shatto Maurice Brown every couple of days that I don't need his business, or his models, or his contacts.. I have been doing fine on my own for over 23 years.. mostly in technology, but also in and out of the entertainment industry for years.. not with music videos, because it does not make that much money, which is what I told him several times... but Shatto Maurice Brown will say and think whatever he wants.. what Shatto Maurice Brown doesn't realize is that I have proof and credible witnesses to what I am saying.. it is not just talk.. I am literally shaking my head right now, because I wasted so much time, money, sleep, and energy and the thanks or show of gratitude that we get is to be talked about like I have hurt him, his business, etc.. it is amazing.. Shatto Maurice Brown is completely delusional, and is probably in need of psychiatric help. Even Shatto Maurice Brown's last day talking to me crazy, I was receiving several texts from him asking me to drop off his stuff.. I offered 4 times over that last week to drop off his stuff or bring him different things and Shatto Maurice Brown stated that he did not want me to, and now that he is "done with me and all of this" (as he puts it), he wants his stuff back.. 
            It is all ok.. we all just need to take some time and think for ourselves about what is right for ourselves... any decision we make in life is not easy, but you have to do what is best for you in life.. I needed to have listened to my intuition, my conscience, my friends and my family, and who all have our best interests at heart.. and they all talked to me like I needed an intervention.. Lol.. and all they were trying to protect me, Joy and the family.. I should have listened.. So, now, I am hoping that in writing this warning to others, that you will listen to this warning..
            When I dropped Shatto Maurice Brown off in Hollywood a couple of weeks ago, I met DJ Chubz for 5 seconds. DJ Chubz was on his way out and I dropped some of Shatto Maurice Brown's stuff off, and I didn't believe it is fair to just dump Shatto Maurice Brown on him without any warning or discussion. I believed I needed speak with his father and I finally did. Lea was a good person and should not have been treated this way either.. Shatto Maurice Brown should not have cheated her out of her money after she did the makeup for one of his photo shoots.. it is all a mess.. I guess I don't understand what happens to the people's money that he steals from them. I think that Shatto Maurice Brown has always been behind on payments to people and makes promises that he cannot keep. Let me be clear here, I am not expecting Shatto Maurice Brown to pay me anything. I never asked for any money and Shatto Maurice Brown couldn't afford to pay me anything even if he wanted to... Shatto Maurice Brown owes Sprint over $1870, AT&T over $800, Paloma $200, Damien $200, Carol $400 (or more), Yvette $125 (or more), Lea - not sure, and Shatto Maurice Brown owes all the people that helped with the video shoot (locations, and other people, because each of those shops he had went into he promised a certain amount per hour).. and one of my friends close to $1500.. and in reality, who really knows how much money Shatto Maurice Brown owes to how many people.. this is only what I know about, witnessed or had direct contact with.. Shatto Maurice Brown was always complaining about how this or that person "knows that I paid them" or "why is my phone, web hosting, email, etc. disconnected, because they know I paid them last month".. it is another game.. I think Shatto Maurice Brown gets money in from videos or whatever, and then spends it on himself or something, and then uses the next round of funds that come it to pay people, if he feels like it.. Shatto Maurice Brown is not making enough to keep this con game, this scam going, and it is illegal for him to steal money from people. Shatto Maurice Brown is stealing from the models, the photographers, makeup artists, and companies that do sponsorships with him (I am sure there are even more, but hopefully you get the idea of what I am talking about...)
            The bottom line is this.. no matter who you do work for or with, there always needs to be open and honest communication, there should never be a guessing game, or a game of you can talk with me, but not these people, or this mystery about what is going on... Legitimate Talent Management and Talent Agents DO NOT WORK THIS WAY… but there always seems to be some drama or some weird situation with him.. Shatto Maurice Brown is never fully is open with what is going on or what is happening.. if you always pay your bills and people on time (like Shatto Maurice Brown says he does), then there would never be a doubt in anyone's minds, and there would never be upset people around you complaining about money.. none of the people that I have done business with, ever question me, my ethics, my integrity, or have any questions about money.. and that is because I never work the way Shatto Maurice Brown does.. 
            Shatto Maurice Brown does need help, psychological help, but he needs to be willing to see that and be willing to go after changing his character, his heart, his life, etc.. it is a telling sign when you see him complain about different people and different situations.. when Shatto Maurice Brown was staying here, he had his own room, he shared a bathroom with our son Cameron (who is not here most of the time during those months), and Shatto Maurice Brown didn't have to worry about anything.. and yet he would still complain.. now, Shatto Maurice Brown has been staying in a one bedroom, with DJ Chubz and he claims it is not air conditioned and comfortable like what he had.. but, the reality is that nothing will ever be good enough for Shatto Maurice Brown.. even if Shatto was living in a Chateau with servants, and never had to worry about money.. it is a character trait that has shaped his personality.. he has to have the drama..  Shatto Maurice Brown will say that he hates it and how everyone has done him wrong, and that there is always a black cloud over his head, but that is not reality.. if everyone could see and know the truth about all of these situations, no one would help or work with him at all.. that is why 
 Shatto Maurice Brown never wants all of the people involved to have open communication or be able to speak with each other.. if the people around him have open communication with each other it will expose all of  Shatto's lies.. that is why Shatto likes to divide everyone, cause fights and keep everyone separate.. that is part of the game.. but whatever, it is ok.. if  Shatto Maurice Brown likes to live this way, work and run his ShatterProof Marketing business this way, then this is his choice..  Shatto Maurice Brown is in charge of his own life.. but if you look at the facts and use common sense, it is all clear.. no stories, no games, no smooth talking out of the basic facts.. 
            I pay for our rent, all of my family's cell phone bills (5 total), utilities, my additional business offices, my contracted employees, and all of my expenses, and none of the people that I have worked with in the past or present are complaining about the way I do business or treat them.. in fact, I have friends trying to figure out how they can spend more time with me and planning gatherings for the holidays and weekends... there are just laws of nature, science, religion, and life that are always going to be true, and even though it is stated in many ways, they all say the same thing.. what goes around comes around - you reap what you sow - and (even science - Newton's 3rd Law - For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.) If you are positive and have positive energy, then that is what gets returned to you.. If you are always negative and give out negativity and negative energy, then this is what gets returned to you..
            After the August 25th, Shatto text me like every other hour about his stuff.. Shatto Maurice Brown gave me lists, would rant and then would text me every half hour from 2am to about 7am or 8am.. and then this past week, I text my friends and family this message:
            Well, it's official. He is completely out, his next victim picked up his stuff, (DJ Chubz and his Dad, John Mendoza) and I had about a 3hr  conversation with DJ Chubz's father about Shatto, his life, his lies, etc. from A to Z, that I have experienced.. We had a great conversation. His father was not believing Shatto's stories since he had met him anyway since nothing Shatto promised or talked about ever came to pass, and after hearing my side of the story (which actually made sense to him, compared to Shatto's lies), John took action. Mr. John Mendoza had to forcefully evict Shatto. John doesn't want Shatto around DJ Chubz. Shatto never contributed or paid for or rent/utilities, and John felt that Shatto had lied to him and his son enough over the years.
            I was able to repeat the some of the same stories verbatim, and had confirmed his worst nightmares. And I told him all the ways that Shatto Maurice Brown will lie about me and my family to help build his case and try to get sympathy to get you to try to let him stay.
            John said that he has never had and respect for Shatto Maurice Brown, and after hearing his stories that didn't make sense, and now hearing the truth about all those stories from me, John had enough. John says, "Shatto asked to stay one weekend stay has turned into a 3 week disaster and it all ends today. I'm almost home and Shatto is getting kicked out. If Shatto needs a place to sleep he can sleep outside in the bushes.. I only help people that help themselves. I understand Shatto thinks he is trying to, 'Do Big Things Before he Gets Too Old', as he always says, but Shatto cannot lie to people to get things from people all of the time. This is BS and instead of working or looking for work Shatto has been on Facebook and the internet all day. This crap ends now!"
            Hopefully Shatto Maurice Brown will not be able to hurt, take advantage of, manipulate, steal from anyone any more.
            When John came to my house to pick up Shatto Maurice Brown's stuff, I told him that Shatto Maurice Brown will complain about everything, and then accuse me of taking some of his stuff or say that he is missing stuff and blame me. I told him that my wife wanted to throw all of his stuff away, but I said that having Shatto Maurice Brown pick his stuff is the best way to go. So, I told John that he would say that he's missing a lot of stuff, and that I stole it,  so he can call me and put the call on speakerphone, so they can ask me for the stuff. And then after the drive back to Hollywood, John called me, put me on speakerphone and said, "Shatto says that you have his car right now, how many cars do you have and what models? Shatto also says that he has been paying you rent, how much was he paying you?  Shatto also says that you have his driver's license" I told him, "I don't have his car,  Shatto has never had a car. We have a Lexus and a Nissan,  and not the convertible BMW or the BMW SUV that  Shatto says he has, and I don't have his driver's license. In fact, I drove  Shatto everywhere for over 3+ months and even to the DMV where they told Shatto and me that  he could not be issued a driver's license because of back child support. I later found out that he owes over $121k+ in back child support.."
            Shatto is in the background shouting, "I can't believe this!!! Why are you lying about all this and about me right now!!" I said, "John, I never even asked Shatto Maurice Brown to pay rent, I never asked for anything. I was trying to help  Shatto Maurice Brown, and I have no reason to lie about this or anything else. If you have questions we can talk further, but I don't have  Shatto's car, Shatto doesn't have a car, Shatto has never paid rent, Shatto doesn't have a driver's license, and I have no idea what Shatto is talking about. If the things Shatto Maurice Brown is saying are true, then he would have some sort of proof. There will never be any proof, because it never happened and all of what Shatto Maurice Brown just said is a lie"
            Then John tells Shatto to call the dealership to verify the story, and John confirms that it is all a lie. John then tells Shatto that he made a note in his phone, of the make and model of the car that he talked about when he first heard this story. John said, "the other day you said it was a white Honda Civic, and today you are saying it is a white Nissan Altima. And I just called the dealership you asked me to… Raymon and the dealership just confirmed that you just lied." John then asked his son to go in the other room and sit on the floor and if you hear anything crazy call 911, then John took his gun and permit out and put it on the counter and said, "Shatto are we going to have a problem here? It's seriously time for you to leave. And escorted him out, gun in hand"
            I became even more concern and wrote this text to my friend, "I am realizing the magnitude of how deep this rabbit hole goes, and how many people have been effected by all of Shatto's lies and all of this that has been going on. I have called and emailed some of my friends in the industry, and have done more background investigation into Shatto's life, career, etc..  Apparently this cycle of issues and game that Shatto has been playing has been going on for many years (maybe 9 or 10 years in a couple different cities and states). I have unfortunately spent the last 3+ months endorsing and supporting someone who has been taking advantage of people for close to 10 years (or more) and I feel horrible about that. I had thought that I knew Shatto.  Shatto Maurice Brown was an acquaintance that became a friend and I had thought that he had been a victim of some difficult circumstances.. In a meeting that we had at the Bru with all the models and their friends/boyfriends/husbands, I stuck my neck out, put my reputation/integrity/credibility on the line and had asked all of them to support and be there for Shatto Maurice Brown. I unknowingly had helped create more victims.. I am not so much concerned about my reputation, but concerned for those who will be continually manipulated or taken advantage of..
            I am not saying that Shatto has not placed models in videos.. I have witnessed that. I am not saying that photo shoots have not happened, I have witnessed that as well.
            I think what I have noticed is that a lot of what  Shatto Maurice Brown does is based on his emotion of the day, week, month. If Shatto Maurice Brown is upset with someone, some company, etc. he will cut them off, not pay, not finish the work, or even worse bad mouth them, insult or degrade them, try to have them blacklisted, or spend a lot time stirring up more negativity for them or their friends. I literally spent most days out of those 3+ months trying to get  Shatto Maurice Brown to be positive, think positive, and leave the negative stuff behind so that he can make some huge improvements with his work, his clients, his models, etc… Honestly Shatto Maurice Brown won't have it better than he had it here.  Shatto Maurice Brown had his own room and a den/office to work in, free food and rent, and a personal driver. According to  SShatto Maurice Brown , I am the problem..
            So now that Shatto Maurice Brown was kicked out of DJ Chubz place, he probably is going to call everyone he knows so that he can have a place to stay, and then say, "I really need your help, (insert sob story and lie here), and if you can't help me with a place to stay then I will have to move back to Denver with my sister.."  Shatto Maurice Brown will also probably begin to change the stories to suit his needs and new situation. It is guaranteed that he will say that John and I either threatened him or beat him up or something stupid.. The reality is that John and I have families and children, and we cannot afford to have someone with sociopathic or psychopathic tendencies around our families… and with all of the lies, drama, negativity, and everything else surrounding him, who wants that kind of black cloud of negative energy around their children? I don't. I did all I can to help, and was treated like crap.. I can wake up each day with a clear conscience and a positive outlook, which is more than  Shatto Maurice Brown, will ever be able to say.

While I was going through all of this, I had tried to figure out what type of person I was really dealing with and it led me to an article that I have now re-written to fit me and my experience with Shatto Maurice Brown and my ex-wife exactly. I have included this as an attachment.

And by the way, you don't have to take my word for all of this.. You can dig deeper into my Google searches on Shatto Maurice Lamont Brown and found lots of articles like these:
            Check this looks like he pissed off a lot of people!

For those of you that Shatto Maurice Brown took advantage of, stole from, scammed, swindled, conned, wronged, threatened, degraded, insulted, disrespected, and the list goes on.. I understand and feel your pain.. We need to understand that  Shatto Maurice Brown mistook our kindness for weakness, and figured that he can just keep running from his past, running from his lies, running from everyone he has stolen from and bouncing from couch to couch, house to house, city to city, and state to state. Our kindness and giving hearts to others is one of our gifts and strengths not to be taken advantage of, and the only way Shatto Maurice Brown will learn that he needs to change his ways, is when we are all unified and speak the truth about what has happened in your own experiences. If Shatto Maurice Brown asks you, then just tell him how he has affected you in your interactions with him.. It is not about "hating on him" or bashing him.. it's about standing up for what is right, and speaking up for others.

Like I stated earlier, everyone can make their own informed decision. The choice is yours. I am only sharing my experiences and what I went thru. Now you can decide for yourself what is best for you.

Raymon M. Powers

#Shatto Maurice Brown #Shatterproof  #ShatterBlok #ShatterproofModels #ShatterproofMusic #ShatterproofMusicGroup #ShatterProofMusicGrp #Shatterproofmrk #ShattoMauriceBrown #SPM #Fraud #ShattoMauriceLamontBrown #ScamArtist #ConArtist  #SPMG #SMB  #FakeTalentManagement #ShattoRipOff #ShattoBrownRipOff #ShattoBrownScam #TeamShatterProof #ShattoScam #Sociopath #NotAGoodLook #Shatterproof #RipOff #RipOffReport #SPM #MyStory  #IAmInPlainSight #IGotThatPower #IGotMyTeam #TeamShatterProof #ShatterProofMrk #ShatterProofModels #ShatterBlok #InPlainSight #ShatterProofMusicGroup  #ShatterProofLasVegas #Shatterproofmrkng

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